April 29, 2010

It's time to pay our taxes again..

OH NO!!! It's almost 30th April. It's the time where every income earning malaysian and non-malaysian starts moaning and signing. And as usual, being a malaysian, I started my preparation very late..

1 month before deadline... Boing! Boing! Boing! Received an SMS saying "Your EA form is ready. Please come and collect frome me."
1 week before deadline.. I received a call from my ex-colleague. "Hey, you don't want to collect your EA form ar?" My response, "Aiyah, later la.. I very busy...
3 days before deadline! I call up my ex-colleague, "Dinner tonight?" Meet her for dinner and collected my EA form.
2 days before deadline... Aiyah! Lazy la..
1 day before the deadline.. Never mind la! Still got time...
0 day and counting... . OH NO!!! Where is my EA form? Starts tearing my room upside down, looking and seaching for it. Finally, here it is! Tore it opened and parked myself infront of my laptop. EA form, salary slips on my left hand side - checked. Calculator, paper and pen on my right hand side - checked. Ready, get set... GO!!!
23 hours and counting... Eh, wait? How come I pay so much? Must check again...
22 hours and counting... *Jumps up and down and scream for joy* LHDNM owe me lots and lots of money.. Faster faster click submit and signed it...
Phew! Finally its done..

At least it's not that last minute, right? I still have another 21 hours before its due :)

I always wonder why we put ourselves through so much stress?!? Are there are better way of paying taxes?

Well, at least we have another year before the whole process begins again.. *sigh* And this year I better make sure LHDNM pays me MY MONEY!!!!!


gapnap said...

good good ...wait til they pay you then you can belanja me :)

theestherchew said...

haha, wait la... last year they refuse to pay me :(