November 30, 2011

Kids and dry bones

Today is December 1!! Which means Christmas is just around the corner!!!

I think December is like my favourite month of the year. Its the feeling of joy and love and family and laughter... Oh, just so exciting :)

Time to set up the Christmas tree and hang out the lights.


Anyway, to start off this exciting month, here is some pictures from GTPJ Kidz@5 a few weeks back. We were learning about Ezekial and the Valley of the Dry Bones which Michelle did a very good job explaining it to the children... And then we did craft...


Joshua, such a little man..  

Erm.. I forgot her name..

Valerie, always smiling and cheerful..

Caitlin, cheeky as usual.. 

Rene, hard at work.. 

Final art pieces.....

Kids make me smile :)

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