August 22, 2011

butter cookies sunday

I love free weekends.. :)

For the past 2 years, my weekends were spend in an air-conditioned room and it just feels so good to be at home, spending time with the family and having fun. So last weekend, I had cravings to bake... yeah, its weird... anyway, i took the lazy simple way out and bought pre-mix batter :) I think it was just RM6+ per box. And since my family is so big, my sisters and ! decided to make 2 boxes in a go... 

The instructions on the back of the box were very simple. Just eggs, butter and the butter cookie mix... 

Step 1. Melting the butter

Melted Butter.. Doesn't it look so sinful?

Step 2. Beating the eggs

Step 3. Add pre-mix flour

Step 4. Mix everything together

Voila! Butter cookies... 

Yeah right?!!... How I wish it was that simple.. The hardest part was the forming of the cookies itself.. My youngest sister, Becky decided to use cookie cutters to make her job easier :)

Me twinnie, Lydia decided to go the hard way and make them into lots of tiny bit-size cookies with sprinklers on top..

Which turned out to be really great cos its bite-sized... and we can just grab a few, pop it into our mouths and not feel guilty about it...

End results.. 3 almost jars of cookies... Actually, it was more like 1 almost full jar, 1 half a jar and 1 less than half a jar.. Our cookies were so 'laku' that it was we were sold eaten out before we even finish baking them.. 

It was fun even thought we had so little time. Will consider more lazy way of baking next time.. 

And about our cookies... its all gone in less than a day.. That comes from having a big family who have big stomachs... :)

 Some random shots taken the same hot bright sunny afternoon :)

1 comment:

Charley29 said...

Nice recipe, this is really yummy. There is nothing to argue about. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it. thank you for sharing this recipe..