September 23, 2012


Greeting from the land of erm.....croissant and Effiel tower.

It's the 5 day of my honeymoon and the hotel Internet is kinda sucky so thus I didn't get to blog I've been feeling kinda lazi-ish... Blame it on the cold weather and lots of pastries :p

Anyway, I now blogging from a tiny French apartment, with it's tiny toilet and shower, tiny vintage lif, and a n amazing view over the entire Paris. how lucky am I ?

So far it's been an amazing trip. Everything it's just like the movies. I've been to the Arc de Triomphe, which did not blow up. I've seen Mona Lisa. I've walk throught the streets of Notre Dame with the gypsies. I have dinner at the Effiel Tower. I've walk throught the foyer of the Opera House. I've sat and have breakfast ata sidewalk cafe. I've taken a Metro. and gosh... So much more... 

Anyway, we will be heading of to one of the largest flea market in France soon. 

So till then... Au revoir 

P.s. sorry no photos fornow. Is all in my phone and camera :) 

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