April 17, 2011

BCM 2011 is over!!

For the last 2 days, I was in Sibu for a meeting, the 47th Brigade Council Meeting. And for the sake of people who does not know what it is; its basically an AGM for the Boys' Brigade of Malaysia which is held yearly. And every 2 years, an election will be held to vote and elect for the new EXCO, who will then hold the position for 2 years. This year, is election year *and I am not referring to Sarawak elections*, and it was happening. Lots of politics and back-biting going on and emails sending back and forth, accusations, harsh words... oh my!!!! I really hated it.. why? cos I am a nice person and I don't see why we waste our time on unnecessary issues. We are in an organization which focuses on youth... and I would rather spend my time on building them instead of worrying about the erm.... stuff that is not mine to worry about and its a waste of time... 

Never way, thank God it went smoothly... No punches was thrown, no banging of tables... :)

And now finally, BCM 2011 is over!!! I had an great time of eating, chatting, catching up with other officers and laughing over the last 2 days... 

Look for me.. I am just below the 2 white-shirt officers in the middle.. on the right... yeah, the one that is half a head shorter then the others :( 

(courtesy of Zhen Yick. I curi-ted it from his FB photos )

Most of the delegates, observers and others have gone home... except me ...

I like Sibu so much that I decided to stay here... 

...for another night... 

and thanks to a very nice officer, I manage to get my room in 1 of the best hotel in Sibu for a rate that is almost the same as a mid-range hotel.. yay!!! So here I am now, in my nice room.. with a king size bed.. 

(pic taken from my hotel window)

doesn't the sunset just wanna make you cry?

time to head out for dinner... 

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